Celebrating 2019 and looking forward to 2020 and beyond!
Tuesday, January 14th, 2019 by John Hucker, CFA, MBA, President of SFTA, Chief Ecosystem Officer @ Elliott Capital
Welcome new members
We would like to introduce new members since the last update, including: N’cloud Swiss, ViaCash, Lend.ch, uncrypted, aXedras, neocredit.ch, CrescoFin, and a number of other individuals and partner organisations.
In 2020, as always, we continue to work towards our goal of fostering the development of a world-class FinTech ecosystem in Switzerland. The guiding principles remain being open, collaborative, and focusing on adding value. It should be no surprise, there are lots of exciting developments coming in 2020, including:
East Chapter, led by John Hucker, CFA, MBA, is based in Zurich.
Some specific highlights from the year included the growing FinTech presence at WEF, the first official mission to Money2020 Europe, and many contributions around the development of DLT and FinTech regulations in Switzerland, a world-leading jurisdiction which is seen as a role model. Ecosystem Update newsletters, like this one, were posted quarterly in 2019 and we plan to increase frequency to monthly in 2020. We are especially proud of the incredible success of the Swiss Pavilion at the Singapore FinTech Festival in 2019, which was one of the largest and most engaging in the large, international conference. In just three years the group has grown from six to approximately 30 participating companies and organisations from the Swiss FinTech ecosystem.
Over the summer, the Association invested in video equipment to allow for webcasting of events and interviews with members, which has attracted the first 300 subscribers to our YouTube channel. The videos also go directly on to the website, newsletter, and social media. Have something to say? Get in touch with us to discuss contributing content.
West Chapter, led by Gabriel Lamon, now covering Lausanne , Yverdon, Geneva.
Our afterwork are now monthly and are nice opportunity to build your network and new relationships. Many Thanks for 2019 to all contributors among them
- Partners : Geneva Macro Labs HEIG-VD Geneva WealthTech Forum
- People : Olivier Naray Pierre Maudet Olivier Depierre Nathalie Feingold Herve Dedieu Stefano Ventura Renate Günther Jay Oberai Christian Marchand Géraud de LAVAL Christophe Haldi
- On January 13th SFTA and UBS host a roundtable on DLT regulation including Brent J. McIntosh, US Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs, as well as distinguished guests from SIX, Credit Suisse, MME, NKF, Swisscom, and other ecosystem leaders.
- SFTA President and Vice President met with FINMA in Bern in Q4 to discuss opportunities to share information with the FinTech ecosystem in 2020. Planning is underway for an info session during H1 2020.
- SFTA participated in the 4th FinTech Roundtable in Bern in October, where, among other points, the Federal Council highlighted it wants to further improve framework conditions for DLT/blockchain, as well as FinTech in general.
- Read all the Advocacy updates here
Updates from Members
- Blockstate publishes The Global Digital Securities Ecosystem Study together with Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
- Axedras – launched their new website, check out the future of a connected and digitalised global precious metal industry
New Insights Articles & Videos
More videos – contact us to schedule your interview or article ASAP, space is limited to 1 per week
- Interview with Alexander Schell, Executive Director of the Crypto Valley
- Interview with Daniel Christen, CEO of SystemCredit
- Systemcredit – ein Schweizer KMU
- Building a secure institutional crypto asset infrastructure – part 1
- KMU können mehr von ihren Kreditgebern verlangen
- Swiss startups in global AI market
- Marketing Blockchain Identity Management in the Healthcare industry
Past Events
- Luxembourg Funds Association Roadshows in Geneva and Zurich (see link)
- Swiss Pavilion at Singapore FinTech Festival, lead by Switzerland Global Enterprise
- KPMG Treasury Summit SFTA delegation: N’Cloud Swiss, Blockstate, ViaCash ADD VIDEO
Upcoming Events
- 15.01.2020 (Zurich) – FinTech Stammtisch
- 16.01.2020 (Lausanne) – FinTech Afterwork
- 18-19.01.2020 (St Moritz) – Swiss Crypto Assets & Institutional Investor Summit
- 20.01.2020 (Geneva) – Geneva Blockchain Congress
- 21.01.2020 (Geneva) – From advisory to compliance: increasing efficiency in wealth management in the digital era
- 20.01.2020 (Davos) – Crypto Mountain
- 24.01.2020 (St Moritz) – World Innovation Economics
- 28-29.01.2020 (Paris) – Paris FinTech Forum
- 28.01.2020 (Zurich) – Digital Securities Roundtable Zurich 2020
- 13.02.2020 (Lausanne) – FinTech Afterwork
- 30.01.2020 (Zurich) – Tokenised Assets Roundtable (mention SFTA in text and get space if available)
- 20-22.06.2020 (Amsterdam) – Swiss Pavilion @ Money2020 Europe (REGISTER INTEREST NOW)
What do you think about the Swiss FinTech ecosystem and the future of Switzerland in the digital economy? Leave a comment or post a reply with your thoughts.
About the Swiss FinTech Association
We foster the development of the Swiss FinTech ecosystem by connecting the various stakeholders, conducting research and leveraging the knowledge base of our members, advocating for improved regulations and policies which balance the interests of all stakeholders, and promoting our members, subscribers, and the ecosystem both at home and internationally.
Join us, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, or contact us